- designer: Tansy ([email protected])
- required color: light ivory
- bra support: build-in-bra
- boning: with boning
- lining: top without lining
- closure: back zipper
- Sleeveless top shape is as CM0030 with spaghetti straps, plunging neck.
1. Lace F0217 on front top is pleated as you outlined.
2. Back top is plain without pleats.
3. Keep top sheer without lining.
4. Fabrics & color would be as same as CM0030 but with lace F0217 overlay. - Skirt design is as your design BR20221089, but all fabrics are in light ivory color.
* Fabrics layout(inside to outside): Lining*1- Satin*1- Tulle*2- Lace F0217*1